Cannot View the the Old and Created Sites after updating from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3

Hello all,

I updated my Sen2Agri System from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3 so that I can download the S2 images and bypass the AWS issue. However, after creating my new site, it seemed that it did not register in the web interface.


Then, I checked that the shpfile site is actually there in the disk:

I also checked that my old and previous sites are in the database:

Actually, I used this solution from this post (as answered by buckoli). Did I miss something? Can I also restore my previous sites before the upgrade to 1.8.3 so that I won’ add the same site again?


Could you restart the application and provide the sen2agri-services log messages?
Also, you could try a CTRL + F5 in the web interface.
Additionally could you check and provide the following:

  • ensure that you have the following lines in the /var/www/html/ConfigParams.php:
    static $SERVICES_URL = ‘http://localhost:8080/dashboard’;
    static $REST_SERVICES_URL = ‘http://localhost:8081’;
  • Perform a refresh of the Web interface and provide the logs in the file:

Best regards,

Hello Cosmin,

I changed the “$REST_SERVICES_URL” from 8080 to 8081 and the sites showed up after refreshing the web interface.

Anyway, I’m uploading my error log for future references of the other users. error_log.txt (101.2 KB)

All the Best,