Problem running L3+ tasks after L2 products created

We’re testing Sen2-Agri by running it on some historical data from a 2016 season. We created a site with season dates in 2016, and version 1.8.3 had no troubles downloading products, and then creating a bunch of L2A products (we had 39 products downloaded and 27 L2A products appear in our product catalogue).

While the L1 products were being downloaded, a number of L3B tasks were started by the system but failed - presumably because no L2A products existed yet. Later, a bunch of L4A tasks were started and similarly failed. There appeared to be no attempt to start an L3A process.

I was able to start an L3A process manually, and it seems to be running fine. Are we running into issues with scheduled jobs because our season exists entirely in the past? Is there a way around this?

Edit: Another question - if we recreate our site, or create another larger site that includes the current one, does Sen2-Agri reuse any L1 and/or L2A products?

Anyone? We haven’t had any luck so far fixing this issue.

I think I have the same or similar problem. After creating a test site that is covered by a single S2 granule and downloading 142 S2/L8 products (actually 159 were estimated but I don’t see any errors regarding this specific site in the monitoring TAB) only 57 L2A Atmospheric correction products (7 for Landsat 8 and 50 for Sentinel-2) and 6 L3A Composite products were created. Nothing else. The question is why only 57 L2A products out of 142 downloaded scenes were created and why no further products apear. It seems that for last several days nothing has changed it the status of processing of this site. Any ideas? How to interpret the system’s behaviour?


Can you check the status_id of the downloaded scenes which failed to be processed?
It’s possible more than half of your downloaded scenes had a processing_failed status.

sudo -u postgres psql sen2agri -c "select product_name, status_id, product_date from downloader_history where status_id = 6 order by product_name ASC"

For the L3A products, it seems that there was a bug in the 1.8.3 system when running it automatically.