

I’m currently running the L2A-Processor and noticed the following Problem:

In my l2a directory are several subdirectories (248 out of 936) cointaining no data (only the log-files)

The last lines in the logfiles always contains the following message:

2018-04-23 16:08:08.711226:[13214]:demmaccs.py script didn’t work!
2018-04-23 16:08:08.711317:[13214]:Only set the state as processed in downloader_history (no l2a tiles found after maccs) for product /mnt/archive/maccs_def/t33uvp/l2a/S2A_MSIL2A_20170414T101021_N0204_R022_T33UVP_20170414T101350.SAFE/

Why are the Scenes not properly processed even if the rawdata is in my download-directory? Or are they only somehow scheduled and going to be processed later?

best regards

You’d need to look at the system logs (journalctl -u sen2agri-demmaccs --since 2018-4-23), but the most likely reason is that the cloud coverage was too large at the time.

Hi Maatin,

If MACCS “failed” because of two high cloud coverage (by default cloud coverage >90%), you can see it in the .EEF xml file in the failed product, e.g.

in S2A_OPER_PMC_L2REPT_31UDS____20180424.EEF

    				<Text>Cloud percentage computed is 99; the maximum cloud percentage threshold authorized is 90.</Text>
    				<Text>The number of cloudy pixel is too high. The level2 algorithm processing is stopped!</Text>


Thanks a lot for the hint!
Didn’t know about the default setting with 90% cloud cov max
