Installation MACCS

I have been trying to install in my computer MACCS using virtual machine (SUSE OS) unsuccessfully. I can install COTS without any issue, but after that when I am installing MACCS, the terminal shows the mistake that you can appreciate in attached image.

If somebody know what could be the mistake please send me an answer.

Many thanks.

Best regards,


I don’t think MACCS supports anything other than CentOS (and maybe Fedora). Even on that, it requires the user to install redhat-lsb-core to be able to run lsb_release. It even complains when it can’t find it.

What happens if you run /opt/maccs/core/5.1/bin/maccs?


I changed my virtual machine to CentOS and I could install properly. Anyway, many thanks for your answer.


Can MACCS be installed on Ubuntu version 16.0.4? I need to install it on a virtual machine - RUS (Research and User Support).

Best regards,

As mentioned in the other thread, only CentOS is supported. There are some workarounds involving Docker (i.e. installing it in a container), but they’re not trivial.