Products are Downloading, but None Show up in Products Tab in the Web Interface

I have recently installed Sen2Agri. I created a new site, created a new season, and the products started to download for that site (seen in the Monitoring page). Mind you, about 60% of them are still in the green status - while the other 40% are blue (successful).

The issue is when I try to go to the Products tab - there are none listed there. I also tried to create a custom job, but under the “available input files” - it is blank.

What can be done to troubleshoot / what can I check to find potential errors?

The products appear in the web interface only after they have been processed by MAJA. If you want to get more detailed information about the download or the status of the Maja processing you have to look into the database.

Ok thanks. I have been looking around as well as reading a bunch of documentation. I definitely feel like our MAJA isn’t working properly - as nothing has been processed (and the SLURM service isn’t working).

Sry for the delayed reply.
I also faced several problems concerning L3+ products.
First I was not able to process any L3A images due to an empty variable (fixed: just deleted it) using the python script provided by sen2agri for manual processing.
Second, I could not start slurm using sen2agri 2.0.3. Fixed it after complete cluster reinitialization (manually using sacctmgr; but is not easy oob. Check:

If I am right, Maja does not use slurm and should work after installation following the sen2agri manual. If you like try the installation using