MACCS/MAJA fails after a specific date

Hello all, I have installed and successfully created L2A and L3B products using sen2agri system. However, when i tried for a different date range, I noticed that from late January and further I only got MACCS/MAJA error for L2A processing like vns::Data::ERROR: Sentinel2TMXMLTileFileHandler. I can send the complete log if needed.

Did something change in Sentinel2 products or MACCS/MAJA version needed? I am using 3.2.2. Thank you very much for your time.

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Since January ESA changed the format of the Sentinel2 products and the MAJA 3.2.2 is not able anymore to process this kind of products. We are preparing (in the context of the Sen4CAP project) an upgrade package for MAJA that normally should work also on Sen2Agri system. The package currently in the validation process and will be probably published in 1-2 weeks.

Best regards,

Thank you very much for the response, I will wait for the upgrade then.

Have a nice day.

Hi @cudroiu,

I’m changing my post about this issue. The MAJA also stopped processing in late January in my case.


Hello @cudroiu,

do we have any update regarding the MAJA upgrade? I tried version 4.5.4, but using it doesn’t seem to fix the problem.

Best regards.

Until a new release of Sen2Agri is performed or an update package for MAJA is provided on the Sen2Agri website, in order to upgrade the system for MAJA 4.5.4 the following steps are needed:

  1. Go to Download package description | Sen4Cap and download the MAJA GIPP archive ( Unfortunately, you will have to download also the full Sen4CAP archive although only a small package from it is needed from it (explained later).

  2. Update docker for the user sen2agri-service by running the script from this archive ( (467 Bytes)):

sudo ./

  1. Run:

sudo systemctl stop sen2agri-demmaccs.timer sen2agri-demmaccs

  1. Extract the content of the gipp_maja_4.5.4 into /mnt/archive/gipp/maja-4.5.4:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/archive/gipp/maja-4.5.4
sudo unzip -d /mnt/archive/gipp/maja-4.5.4

  1. Run the following commands:

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/sen2agri/
sudo chown -R sen2agri-service: /var/log/sen2agri/

  1. Execute the following commands:

sudo docker pull sen4x/l2a-processors:0.2.3
sudo docker pull sen4x/sen2cor:2.10.01-ubuntu-20.04
sudo docker pull sen4x/maja:4.5.4-centos-7
sudo docker pull osgeo/gdal:ubuntu-full-3.4.1
sudo docker pull sen4x/l2a-l8-alignment:0.1.2
sudo docker pull sen4x/l2a-dem:0.1.3

  1. Extract the downloaded Sen4CAP archive and go into the Sen4CAPDistribution/rpm_binaries and then execute:

sudo yum -y update sen2agri-downloaders-demmaccs*.rpm
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  1. Run the following sql script (unzip it first) in order to upgrade Sen2Agri database in order to use MAJA 4.5.4 ( (2.9 KB)):

psql -U postgres -f “migration-3.x-maja.sql” sen2agri

  1. In order to cleanup any previously failed products due to incompatibility of MAJA 3.2.2 with N400 version of L1C products, the following commands can be executed:

psql -U admin sen2agri -c “delete from l1_tile_history where downloader_history_id in (select id from downloader_history where satellite_id = 1 and product_name like ‘%N0400%’) and status_id in (6,7);”
psql -U admin sen2agri-c “update downloader_history set status_id = 2 where satellite_id = 1 and product_name like ‘%N0400%’ and status_id in (6,7)”

  1. Start the sen2agri-demmaccs:

sudo systemctl start sen2agri-demmaccs.timer

  1. Further, the logs can be checked hierarchically, starting with:

sudo tail -f /var/log/sen2agri/l2a_launcher.log

  1. If you need to increase/decrease the number of L2A processed in parallel (default = 2), you can change the key ‘processor.l2a.optical.num-workers’ in the config table from the database with:

psql -U admin sen2agri -c "update config set value = YOUR_NEW_VALUE where key = ‘processor.l2a.optical.num-workers’ "

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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