Landsat 8 not downloaded

Hi all,
Similar to another post, the Landsat 8 cannot be downloaded for my site too using sen2agri 1.8.3.
The were set correctly. But I noticed no directory has been created as /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-downloaders and command doesn’t respond as “sudo journalctl -f -u sen2agri-landsat-downloader --since today”. And "sudo -u postgres psql sen2agri -c “select * from sp_downloader_get_sites();” gives permission erro on root folder.

Could anyone help me for solving this problem?

The problem was the default folder for landsat 8 is somehow locked and the files in couldn’t be deleted or overwritten. We created a new folder and config it. Then the problem was solved by stop all the running sen2agri services and restart.
sudo systemctl stop sen2agri*
sudo systemctl restart sen2agri-services
