How to run CropMask processor in manual mode?

I have output of MAJA 3.3.0 - like this:

Which path (file or directory) for single tile should I put into “-input” parameter to run script ?


The structure of the products seems a little bit different from the ones produced by MAJA in Sen2Agri but looking in the sen2agri-executor logs when a CropMask is executed it is something like the following: -ratio 0.75 -nbtrsample 40000 -classifier rf -rseed 0 -pixsize 10 -rfnbtrees 100 -rfmax 25 -rfmin 25 -window 6 -lmbd 2 -eroderad 1 -alpha 0.01 -nbcomp 6 -spatialr 10 -ranger 0.65 -minsize 10 -minarea 20 -tile-threads-hint 4 -siteid 133 -outdir /mnt/archive/orchestrator_temp/l4a/1358/664943-crop-mask-fused/ -targetfolder /mnt/archive/<YOUR_SITE>/l4a/ -outprops /mnt/archive/orchestrator_temp/l4a/1358/664943-crop-mask-fused/product_properties.txt -refp /mnt/upload/<YOUR_SITE>/sen2agri_1569479697/<YOUR_INSITU_DATA>.shp -input /mnt/archive/maccs_def/<YOUR_SITE>/l2a/SENTINEL2B_20190608-092825-921_L2A_T39TVV_C_V1-0/SENTINEL2A_20190608-092825-921_L2A_T39TVV_C_V1-0_MTD_ALL.xml ....<OTHER_PRODUCT_XMLS_HERE>.... -lut /usr/share/sen2agri/crop-mask.lut

Hope this helps.

Best regards,