Failure to obtain a L4b crop type product - Guidance needed


After having successfully obtained a L4A (without IN-INSITU processor) Crop mask I am trying to obtain a L4B crop type product.

So far I have not been able to have it running sucssessfuly:

From the web interface custom jobs L4B Crop type, I have the option to sellect the site, season and select the available list of L2A products. However, I don’t have the option to select the crop masks as detailed on the “Sofware User Manual” Manual execution from Web Interface.

Can you help?

I am also confused about the reference polygons? Can I use the same that I have used to setup my site or is it something else? Can you provide me some guidance on this too?

Sorry about this novice questions but I am sincerely lost.



Hello Joao,

I have another suggestion since the crop masks options that should be in the L4B customs tab is also missing in my web interface. You have an option to produce the crop type map in the sites tab. Just tick the L4B product to your preferred site and click the save button.


As for the reference polygons, this post might help you. Also, you cannot use the polygon you use for your site creation.